I am Associate Professor of Teaching and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Statistics at University of California Irvine. I am an educator with an interest in statistics and data science education and I am an applied statistician with experience in educational research. In short, my educational work is in statistics and data science and my statistics and data science work is in education.

My goal is to create educational resources for statistics and data science that are accessible physically and cognitively. My work focuses on modern pedagogical approaches in the statistics curriculum, making data science education accessible, and undergraduate Bayesian education. I am the coauthor of the book Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Applied Bayesian Modeling.

I am the lead PI on the NSF-funded project Advancing Bayesian Thinking in STEM, a co-PI on the NSF-funded SoCal Data Science project, and one of the PIs on the NIH funded project Irvine Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Undergraduate Data Science. I teach a variety of statistics, computing, and data science classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I write blog posts about data, pedagogy, and data pedagogy at DataPedagogy.com.

I currently serve on the ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on K-12 Education in Statistics and Probability and Section on Bayesian Education Research and Practice (BERaP) of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).

Outside of work, you might see me in a museum or an art gallery chasing cats.

This is how my name is pronounced: Mi - neh Doe - uu- joo. In the audio file below, I pronounce my name.

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